Friday, May 22, 2009

Intelligender....on the go!!!

Its always been a dream for every couple to have a child or should I say children. From what I've experienced
with my peers and close friends, there is this feeling of excitement I always see from them knowing what would be their first child, is it a boy or a girl? From a guy's point of view, we have always wanted to have a junior that will bring our family name, but nevertheless, we just needed a child that is healthy enough. I came across with this article that has been
around in Australia and New Zealand, the
Intelligender that is said to let you know the gender of your baby even on your 10th week of pregnancy. Just be sure you follow these simple three instructions:
1. Collect your first morning urine and insert the indicated amount into a test vessel.
2. Swirl rapidly in a circular motion, DO NOT SHAKE, place the test on a flat surface undisturbed for 10minutes.
3. Read the test at eye level and match the color to the boy or girl color chart on the test vessel.

Personal thought:
This is indeed a refreshing news for every couple and everyone, but on a personal note, this is one of those things that I think the World again is moving too fast...the thought of it makes me bothered for those individuals that is frustrated to have a baby boy or a baby girl, and when they finally knew that the child is not their desired gender, the possibilty of having an abortion is at risk. I am not saying that this applies to everyone, but on a lighter side, at least we can now buy correct color of baby things for you know alrealy the expected gender of the baby.
How did you find the Intelligender?
Congratulations for those soon-to-be mom and Happy healthy and safe pregnancy!

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